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Life: Week 18

Another busy week! I don't remember May being such a hectic month for me in the past, but it certainly will be this year. I am so looking forward to June, when (so far at least!) I only have set plans one weekend.  My calendar is mostly filled with fun, but having a busy work life and personal life is getting exhausting. I need time for hiking! That said, I have at least been getting outdoors for running, which is finally starting to become a regular part of my weekly schedule. With the warm, sunny weather we've been having, I've been very thankful that I have options for running in the shade. Going for a run on the nearby Powerline Trail a few weeks ago on an 80° day was a little too much for me to handle. It's amazing the difference a little shade makes. 

My sister-in-law and family were in town for a wedding over the weekend, and since they were staying at Willows Lodge Friday night, we met them for a sunny brunch at Barking Frog Saturday morning. The rest of the day was filled with all the errands I hadn't had time for during the week. Sunday, it was time for brunch again, this time in celebration of Mother's Day. I was lucky enough to celebrate with both my family and Andy's family, which made for quite a large gathering. It was fun to be able to spend the day with all the important moms in my life - my mom, my mother-in-law, my sister, my sister-in law, and my grandmother-in-law. Equally fun was getting to watch my two nieces play together. Like I said, I've been busy, but it's mostly good busy!

Crispy, messy, and delicious huevos rancheros

The Sasquatch Mary came with bacon and a beef stick. Very manly.

Mother's Day = ALL THE FLOWERS!!!

This guy likes to pretend he's an adventurous outdoor cat...

...but he would never consider jumping off this railing

The first farmer's market peonies of the year

Peony colored yarn. How could I resist!

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