Life: Week 40

For several years now, I've wanted to take more photos, to improve my observation and photography skills, and to appreciate and remember the smaller moments of my daily life. These new weekly photo posts will be my way of sharing those photos and moments. 

For now, all the photos featured in these posts will be taken with my handy phone camera. 


finished up a new knit bonnet for my niece over the weekend


our first hike in the north cascades on sunday was spectacular. read all about it here.


one of many new plants soaking up the late afternoon sunshine in my office


rain and colorful leaves outside the office


onion soup and grilled cheese for dinner wednesday and thursday this week - another favorite

Fall fun

Fall is here!  My absolute favorite time of year. The crisp cool air and more frequent rain are especially welcome after the summer we had. The cooler weather makes many of my favorite things much more comfortable - knitting, hiking, drinking tea, baking, cooking up giant batches of soup. 

Most of the things on this list are the things I would want to do every year. None of them would be much of a challenge on their own, but making time for all of them will be!

Pressing cider is a Norsen family fall tradition 

Pressing cider is a Norsen family fall tradition 

Definitely hope to see golden larches again

Definitely hope to see golden larches again

Make soup. So much soup. All the soup. Possibly get tired of soup.

Continue the trend from summer and go hiking at least once a month. 

Mushroom hunting.

Try making something with fresh apple cider- cider cream pie or cider caramels

Go for a walk in the rain.

Spend a rainy day curled up with a good book. There are so many good options

Knit some cozy wool  socks to keep my feet warm for the winter. Also, get an early start on my Christmas knitting. 

Go snowshoeing as early as possible.

Make a giant batch of fresh tomato sauce with the last tomatoes of summer.