This week was all over the place. Monday, we had an early breakfast in Newport, snuck in one last rocky Oregon beach fix in at Yaquina Head lighthouse, then headed for home under blue skies. Just after crossing back into Washington, we stopped for a leisurely lunch on the Columbia River. Eating lunch and drinking beer in the sunshine while boat traffic drifted by was made even more enjoyable knowing that normally I'd be at work. Tuesday, back to real life, work hit me like a sack of bricks to the face. I spent most of the week trying to catch up from the two days I'd been away, leaving little time or energy for anything else. I've also been suffering from insomnia again, getting only a few hours of sleep a night. The combination left me feeling more zombie than human by the weekend. Thankfully, it was a leisurely weekend. While I was disappointed to cancel plans for a hike on Sunday due to my exhaustion, spending a couple days relaxing with family was exactly what I needed. Hopefully I'll get past this insomnia soon so I survive this busy month!
Cooking risotto with a big glass of wine helped to unwind after a hectic work day
Watching my niece experience sour for the first time was like a bonus birthday gift from my sister!
My mom found the funniest yarn bowl for my birthday!
Drinks and snacks in the backyard - feels like summer
This kid is getting so big!