How can it already be June? I've started my flurry of summer hike planning, but even though it's not yet summer, it already feels like all my weekends are booked through late September! Andy and I are seriously considering a long backpacking trip for our anniversary, so I'm hoping to make it out for at least one backpacking trip a month to prepare. Hopefully I can manage to stick to that plan. My biggest concern at this point is weather. Yesterday it was over 90° - way too hot for this wimpy Pacific Northwesterner. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have a repeat of the dry hot weather of last summer!
Ironically, with all the planning I did this week, we didn't do any actual hiking. Instead, I spent a good part of the weekend knitting - probably not the best idea in the middle of a heatwave. Sunday afternoon, we met some friends in Seattle for brunch and a stroll around their neighborhood. There are many reasons that I wouldn't want to live in the city, but walking down residential streets in Seattle, I felt nostalgic for the 4 years I lived in Vancouver. The city certainly has its draws!
Monday, when it was still cool enough to make and eat soup, seems forever ago!
So close to finishing the sweater I've been working on for months