This week started with warm weather and a constantly changing mix of rain and sunshine. There were tiny signs of spring beginning to poke out into the warmth and light. The snowdrops in my parent's front yard are in full bloom, and many other bulbs will follow with their blooms soon! I love this time of year, when new greenery appears nearly every day. I know soon enough my impatience for long summer days of hiking in the mountains will make me tire of spring, but for now I'll continue to be on high alert for every sign of spring.
By the weekend, Andy were and I headed to the mountains for a little more time in the snowy mountains before winter disappears entirely. We had planned have a group from the Alpine Trails Book Club join us for a hike around Gold Creek Pond on Saturday, and although no one else could make it, we still enjoyed a surprisingly uncrowded hike around the pond on Saturday. Since we had no one to meet, we slept in a little and took time to have a leisurely breakfast before heading to the pond. By the time we left the cabin, it had started to snow lightly, coating the packed, frozen snow we'd hiked in on with a light dusting of soft powder. Aside from our loop around the pond on Saturday, we spent most of the weekend inside, reading books by the fire while and watching the snow pile up out the window. After one last lovely winter weekend, I'm ready for a lot more spring in my life!
Bare huckleberry branches last week - this week they're decked out in buds!
Look down: spring eidtion
Look down: no... definitely still winter
Starting the day right with a sunny latte and some excellent reading material
A delicious winter soup recipe from an old favorite: smitten kitchen