Spring has officially arrived, and with it an new color palette filled with the pinks and greens of new growth. On sunny days, the sweet smell of tiny pink and white blooms perfumes the breeze. With the longer days, even as work has been increasingly busy, I managed to fit in a much needed midweek walk on the Powerline Trail! This time of year, as different plants begin to bud and flower, the trail changes drastically from week to week, so hopefully I'll find the time for another evening walk soon to mark the progress of the season. Over the weekend, after a quiet (and rainy) Saturday sent indoors, Andy and were out on the trail Sunday morning, joining the Alpine Trails Book Club for our March hike. It may have been chilly, but we were pleasantly surprised to be greeted with mostly sunny weather for the day. Without rain to dampen our spirits, our group was able to linger over lunch and spend plenty of time discussing the complexity of our March book - Reclaimers. You can read more about the book & hike in my post here.
A spring dinner that matches the color of spring blooms!
On rainy spring days a trip to the yarn store...
...and pho are the perfect cure!