Right now, work is getting dangerously close to taking over my life. Thankfully, the end of the busy season is in sight, and I know that soon I'll be back to a less hectic schedule. When I wasn't at my desk, I was busy knitting in an attempt to finish a birthday gift for my niece by her party this Saturday. I didn't quite manage it, but I was at least able to get it into a state presentable enough to gift temporarily so my niece could try it on! It was a mostly rainy week, with a couple of particularly intense storms, but by the weekend, it felt like summer had arrived. I even wound up with a sunburn from an afternoon spent in the sunshine catching up with family on my sister's front porch during the previously mentioned birthday party! Before I know it, the long busy days of summer will be here. I'd better start remembering my sunscreen!
This was taken before I had wine in my teacup I swear!
Weekday drinking...
vs weekend drinking!
Snacks and tea fresh from Japan thanks to a sweet friend who just visited.
Trees litter a lot in the spring!