One of my favorite signs of spring in the PNW is the stormy and unpredictable weather. It can be raining and sunny all at the same time, making everything sparkling and new. The downside of spring squalls is the occasional power outage, and this week we found ourselves stuck without power Friday night, but thankfully not longer. This time, the power outage lasted just long enough to give us an excuse for dinner out, followed by an evening reading by candlelight, but not so long that it really impacted our weekend. We didn’t have much planned anyway - mostly errands mixed in with some relaxing. With all this wet spring weather, it’s been ages since we’ve gone for a hike together, and I’m itching to get back out. Hopefully soon life will give us a free weekend!
Blue skies reflected in my tea
Good thing I wore my rain jacket even though the sun was shining when I left home for my walk!