After waiting impatiently for signs of spring around Puget Sound, I wound up spending the first day of the new season in central California, travelling for work. I left behind a warm, sunny Seattle that finally felt like spring and arrived in a rainy, cool Sacramento. The rain passed quickly, and the brief showers made the unfamiliar scenery feel more like home. On the trip I had several long, exhausting days, but managed to find moments to enjoy, including a fantastic restaurant walking distance from my hotel and a picnic lunch in the sunshine under some flowering fruit trees. After arriving home late Friday night, I took it easy Saturday, catching up on some reading in between much needed laundry and cleaning. After a mostly sedentary March, I finally hit the trail again on Sunday for the month’s Alpine Trails Book Club hike. Our group was smaller than it’s been in months, and it made for a laid back morning. The roaring, milky green Stillaguamish and small signs of spring (including the first trillium sighting of the year!!!) sighted along the trail were just what I needed after such a long week. Spring is coming!
Rainier looking particularly lovely on my flight south
and the happy sight of low clouds over Seattle coming home