This was a whirlwind of a week! At home, the nights are getting darker, which we've been combating with lots of candles. By Thursday, well before dawn, I was on a flight bound for California for a business trip. After two busy days in Sacramento, and a busy week leading up to the trip, Friday night I caught a train to the Bay Area where Andy was waiting for me for a much needed visit with his sister and her family. We hadn't seen them since April, and especially with a new nephew to meet, I was overjoyed that work provided the perfect excuse for a visit!
All that travel time meant plenty of time for reading too! I sped right through Today Will Be Different, our book club read for the month. After reading Where'd You Go, Bernadette? back in 2012, I had pretty high expectations for the new novel from Maria Semple. While I didn't enjoy her new novel quite as much as the first, it was a quick and enjoyable read. There were many moments when I saw myself reflected in Eleanor, the scatter-brained main character. Once I arrived at my sister-in-laws, my time was fully occupied between playtime with our niece and snuggles with the new nephew. Somehow we managed to time our visit during the rainiest four days the had seen all year. The rain meant much greener views than I'm used to seeing in the area, as well as a delightful puddle-jumping expedition on Sunday afternoon.
I've had tons of pumpkin beers, but this was my first pumpkin cider. It did not disappoint!
Setting the mood for an important vote!
A rainy, blurry 4 AM view while waiting for my Uber to the airport
Fall views around home
Fall views in Sacramento - lots of green and lots of umbrellas!
A perk of business travel: having a king-size bed all to myself!