I started the week with an exhausting one day trip to Sacramento for work. I was at the airport by 5:30 AM, and didn't get home until 10:30 PM. At least I made it to the airport with enough time to pick up an enormous coffee and breakfast. Thankfully the rest of the work week was mostly uneventful. What really made this week splendid was the weekend spent in Wenatchee. With my sister-in-law and niece in town, we dashed over to the sunnier side of the Cascades for some much needed family time. We played games, read stories, and explored the yard. While spring seems much further off in eastern Washington, the crocuses poking up all over the yard were a sign of spring to come. After such a lovely weekend, it was difficult to get in the car and head back home, but we managed.
Fresh baked blueberry lemon scones disappeared fast at breakfast
Andy and Erika did not approve of my documentation of lunch
Sunshine at the crest of the Cascades
15 minutes down the highway the weather was a bit gloomier