As the days continue to get longer and lovelier, work continues to get busier, leaving me less time and energy to leave the apartment. During the hectic days of April and May, I dream of summer when work will be comparatively quiet, and there will plenty of time for all sorts of adventures. For now, I'll have to settle for watching the ever changing spring weather outside the window over my desk, and make the most of weekends. This weekend, we had plans that kept us close to home, but we still had time for a couple long walks on the Powerline Trail and around Redmond. The neighborhood is constantly changing this time of year. For every tree that has already shed its blooms, four more are just beginning to burst into flower. Spring can feel so fleeting, but there while the specific varieties may change, there will be plenty of blooms to find for many months!
Soon there will be salmon berries!
I've never noticed pussy willow flowering before!
Midweek sanity break from work with a cup of tea and a good book
Weekend lunch from our favorite food truck. The delicious chicken katsu could not be contained by a mere bun!